Sunday, March 8, 2009

Just found this...

"A Swedish study of memory recall in rats found that radiation from cell phones affected the rodents' brain power. Researchers at the Division of Neurosurgery, Lund University in Sweden found that rats that were exposed to mobile phone radiation for two hours a week for more than a year had poorer results on a memory test than those that had no contact with mobile phone radiation. In earlier findings from the researchers, microwave radiation from cell phones affected the brain's ability to protect against nerve cell damage. The lead researcher Henrietta Nittby has a cell phone but uses hands-free equipment to avoid holding her phone up to her ear, according to"

Time for me to get a hand's free, I think... before I loose my memory completely!!

1 comment:

horsienut said...

Interesting - though I have CRS (can't remember sh*t) and I rarely use my cell it's not the radiation LOL!